Photographe de Voyage

This morning, the sun by its still timid lights, comes to light the scene which presents itself to my objective, this sun which Jean Giono said that it was never as beautiful as when it set out.
With my cameras, I leave.
Travelling is to know how to be with humility, to have another presence in the world, to capture but not steal from film moments, laughs, a population in its living environment, the street, their habitats, the flavors provided by the shops from which escapes the aroma of the promise of a good traditional meal.
The fact of finding ourselves in an unknown world, without knowing its uses, forces us to question ourselves and changes our outlook. It is my conception and my approach when I travel after entering my door.
For 20 years, I have had the trust of many editors in chief of the travel and decoration press to report from around the world of reports in many countries: South Africa, Asia, Europe, South America, Australia…
To know how to associate patience and wanderings at dawn when nature or the city awake. Walk without knowing if the much desired photo will be recorded for weather reasons or by the installation of scaffolding which masks the architectural beauty of a building.
I would like to thank these traveling writers (Sylvain Tesson, Nicolas Bouvier, Rodolphe Toepffer, Jean Louis Etienne, Oracio Quiroga, Francisco Coloane,… who, through their works, opened up another horizon and the patience necessary to capture the right moment.
Being a smuggler by freezing my vision of the world on film.