Photographe Déco et Art de Vivre
In France, the cultural offer is very rich. When summer comes, festivals are multiplying all over the country: an ideal way to discover French culture and conviviality. French cultural creations (films, pieces, paintings, furniture, dishes, etc.) are also a showcase for this famous art of living.
The creators sometimes imagine and divert our everyday objects to make works of art: a bedside lamp, a teapot, the decoration of a hotel room, an apartment are as many things as he wants. happens to photograph, to magnify by a right choice of lights, whether natural or created for the occasion.
What is the role of the professional photographer?
My role is then to play with all these parameters to sublimate this art of living and create in the spectator an emotion, a desire.
Appreciate beautiful things and pay homage to all these craftsmen who, through their know-how transform, evolve techniques and produce, using instructions from designers like Matali Crasset, Philippe Starck, Sam Accocebery, sometimes amazing objects, mixing materials and expertise.
Many decoration magazines have used my experience to produce numerous reports extolling the merits of a "French" hedonism.
The art of living would be a paradoxical art, a genre mixed between nature and culture, an art deduced from life whose work would be life.
Thanks to my work as a photographer, objects that would otherwise remain silent, crude, limited and set back, acquire clarity and intensity.